Click a question to see the corresponding answer below. Any approved Math, Statistics, or Data Analysis course may be used in place of a skipped math course. What if I want to transfer from Pratt to Trinity, or Trinity to Pratt, before classes start? At least 15 credits must be taken within the Pratt School of Engineering. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact the Admissions Office at (919) 684-3214 and ask for the admissions officer responsible for students with disabilities. A Pratt Academic Dean for Undergraduate Affairs is an excellent resource for all Pratt undergrads and you should not hesitate to sign up for an appointment. 6. What are the first-year requirements? Minimum Application Requirements The program does not require a minimum GPA or a minimum score on the GRE or TOEFL/IELTS. 5. EXPLORE Duke ECE COURSES. Bellamkonda Named Provost at Emory; Glass to Serve as Interim Dean. Read more on minimum application requirements or view our class profiles. Engineering and Sciences (4)This requirement is met by completion of one course from each of four of the following seven areas: digital systems, electrical science, information and computer science, mechanics (solid and fluid), materials science, systems analysis, and thermal science and transfer processes. Choose a dual-major option, or take an elective course sequence such as: 1. High School Applicant (First-year Students) Deadlines. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) degree with the mechnical engineering major requires the completion of 34 courses: The freshman year course sequence represents the Pratt Common First Year—enabling all students to fully explore their options before choosing a major. Click here for a detailed check list to help you keep track of your progress in the program. Biomedical imaging and instrumentation 2. Three recommendations* 5. Natural Science Elective (1) (Varies by department). In order to graduate, a student's advisor and ECE DGS must approve the list of courses taken using the Program of Study form. Writing (1)This requirement is met by completing a University Writing Course. Unlike many schools, Duke does not require financial support documents as part of the application. Duke MEM Online's elective tracks help guide the choice of your four electives, by grouping courses by the skills needed to … Bellamkonda Named Provost at Emory; Glass to Serve as Interim Dean. Ideal preparation for an industry or research career. Fall 2021 Early Action Deadline (non-binding): November 11, 2020. At least one course must be classified SS. Students in the Pratt School of Engineering are required to have a minimum of 5 courses in the social sciences and humanities (including foreign languages). In addition to coursework, the program offers upperclassmen opportunities for independent research for acad… Natural Science (4)This requirement is met by completing Chemistry 101DL (31L), Physics 151L (61L) and 152L (62L), and an elective course in one of the natural science departments which presents fundamental knowledge about nature and its phenomena, preferably including quantitative expression. Students in the Pratt School of Engineering are required to have a minimum of 5 courses in the social sciences and humanities (including foreign languages). All students who apply to Duke, including those who have a diagnosed impairment/disability, are evaluated using the same criteria. Ms. Stulgis works with student groups (e.g., BMES and EWH) and coordinates a number of programs including peer advising (i.e., E-Team) and Pratt tours. Admission to the Duke Master of Engineering Management program requires: *items that can be submitted online using the online application. Bellamkonda Named Provost at Emory; Glass to Serve as Interim Dean. Degree RequirementS Courses. Certification for graduation is made by the Associate Dean and the Director of Undergraduate Studies of the department of the student's first major. If this applies to you, contact us for more information. It is the student's responsibility to request that his or her name be included on the graduation list. February 16, 2021. Resume* 4. 4. If you have AP credit for PHY 25 (61) and 26 (62), you should take PHY 153L (63L). Bachelor's degree in engineering or science from an accredited institution (transcripts required, including an estimated GPA and a grade scale)* 2. In order to graduate a student must have passed 34 semester courses (within a period of 10 academic semesters of enrollment), and must have obtained grades of P, C-, or better in 32 semester courses. Read more about Duke Engineering's signature undergraduate experience ». In addition, all the curriculum requirements of the Engineering School and the major department, as set forth in the University Bulletin, must be met. In addition, Writing courses that carry course codes do not satisfy the SS/H requirement. Pratt’s language requirement is fulfilled by taking a semester of Matlab in EGR 103. These requirements can be met within the general requirements of the ECE major and do not require any additional courses; however, the choice of classes has been constrained to … Statement of Purpose* 3. For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students. NOTE:  If a student enrolls in a course that uses PHY AP as a prereq, the student therefore is unable to take the AP equivalent course as his/her one Physics post-matriculation. ACCOMMODATIONS AT DUKE Courses must be taken for a grade, and not on a selective S/U graded option. 3. Video Introduction. Certificate and Program Requirements WISeNet trainees are subject to the degree requirements of the University, their home department, and the WISeNet certificate and training program. The programming capability is generally satisfied by Engineering 103L (53L) or CompSci 201. I’m not completely sure if I want to be in Pratt. The Aerospace Engineering Certificate provides undergraduate students with an understanding of fundamental principles in the several disciplines including fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, dynamics and control, structures and materials, thermodynamics and propulsion, plus specific courses that address specific aerospace technologies for flight and space vehicles. Ravi Bellamkonda, the dean of the Pratt School of Engineering since 2016, will depart Duke in June to serve as the provost and executive vice president at Emory Animal Science courses are not taught at Duke. A copy of each student's final grade report is sent for review to the Director of Undergraduate Studies of the major department immediately before final graduation lists are prepared. The 30-credit Duke Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering provides a unique combination of opportunities: A respected and highly-ranked graduate program; Engineering and business courses plus an internship; Access to graduate certificate programs in high-demand career areas Dedicated career support Contact the Admissions & Recruiting team at How do I get credit for them? More specifically: 2. Humanities: Many health professions schools recommend or require a background in the humanities and social sciences, so we encourage you to take further coursework and/or gain experience in these areas. In Spring 2021, Social Science and Humanities courses taken to fulfill this requirement are allowed to be taken on an elective Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option. The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. For example, if a student enrolls in a course that uses PHY 26 AP as a prereq, the student can no longer take PHY 152 as their one physics post-matriculation after that particular semester. *Note for Spring 2021:  Normally, courses taken to satisfy this requirement are not allowed to be taken on an elective Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option. The program does not require work experience, and many of our campus students enter the program directly after obtaining their undergraduate degree. Graduate Record Exam(GRE) or equivalent—official results 6. Consult each departmental handbook for a list of acceptable math classes, as they may differ by major. Completion of the Concentration in Machine Learning requires a minimum of 5 courses. A student must show depth in one subject area by taking two courses with the same department subject code--and one course must be at the 200-level, or above. Coursework draws on recent research by our world-class faculty, many of whom are involved in major federally-funded research centers such as the Superfund Research Center at Duke . If you are not comfortable taking PHY 153L (63L), you have the option of taking PHY 152L (62L), PHY 175, PHY 264 (143), 361 (181), or 362 (182) as your Physics course post-matriculation. Including the 4 credits in engineering and applied sciences listed under general requirements, a total of 13.0 credits in engineering work are required. Curriculum requirements: Your prehealth courses will fulfill many curriculum requirements for you. Fall 2021 Regular decision Deadline: extended to February 22, 2021.Note that all required application materials, including portfolio if required, are due by the deadline, except high school transcripts, which may be sent up to two weeks after the … Curriculum notes: Undergraduate courses may not be used to fulfill MEng degree requirements. Five unique courses and one capstone design course must be completed to earn the Minor in Energy Engineering. Students who graduate in September or December receive their diplomas by mail, but they are welcome to take part in commencement exercises the following May. AP credits do not carry course codes, however, in the Pratt School of Engineering we attribute the following Areas of Knowledge to these AP exams**: **AP exams which have the Duke equivalent as a 200-level course will NOT count as the Pratt depth requirement. How do I know if I have to enroll in WRITING 101 this fall? More specifically: At most, 2 of these 5 course credits can be met by any combination of … An alternative set of Math courses for engineering students who are double—majoring in math (or who started down that path): Math 111L(31L), 112L (32L), 221 (104), 222 (105), and 356 (131). Effective Fall 2013, the Pratt school requires that SS/H courses must be taken from or cross-listed* with one of the following departments or programs: *EGR 305 and ECON 212 are EXCLUDED from satisfying the SS/H requirement even though the course is cross-listed. The question prompt will be shown to you, and you will have at least 60 seconds of preparation time. English Language Testing (TOEFL or IELTS)—official results (international applicants only) 7. At least one course must have an SS Area of Knowledge code. Some schools may have additional requirements, either in the sciences or in the humanities, and these may change in the next few years. Duke MEM Online students take the same classes and earn the same degree as students in our campus program. Fall. ECE majors can declare this concentration by selecting this option on the Pratt Declaration of Major form. Featured Track: Entrepreneurship & Founders, Duke's Master of Science in Global Health, Non-MEMP Duke Graduate and Professional Students, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Officers, A nonrefundable application fee of $75 US, to be paid via credit card. Your Duke Engineering application includes a required video introduction in which you'll answer one questions. Follow Pratt guidelines on AP credit in Physics. Electrobiology 4. Interview a… But before you do that, see if we've covered your question already in the policies and procedures section of our website. At most, 2 of these 5 course credits can be met by any combination of 2 from the following options*: Duke-offered courses that are only offered on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading basis. Biomolecular and tissue engineering Learn more: View slidesfrom our info session for first-year students. Our program is flexible—to match your interests. The requirements for the minor are below; you can also read course descriptions for the new ENRGYEGR courses and check out our anticipated teaching schedule. Duke GPA Requirements. Pratt Staff Pratt’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator is Lauren Stulgis. As a Duke Engineering undergraduate you will gain: The ability to generate creative solutions to complex, open-ended problems; Rigorous skills in research, analytical, quantitative and critical-thinking; Comfort with design, data and computational tools; Experience working in diverse teams; Excellent communication skills; Entrepreneurial confidence This requirement is met by completion of five courses selected from at least three of the following four areas of knowledge: Arts, Literatures and Performance (ALP), Civilizations (CZ), Foreign Languages (FL), and Social Sciences (SS). The program does not require work experience. Admissions Requirements Academics/Coursework . Requirements. As a Duke Master of Engineering Management student, you select the courses to support the job role and career goals you have in mind. Each department maintains a list of allowed courses that will satisfy the Natural Science requirement. Math 111L(31L), 112L(32L) or 122L(41L), 212 (103), 216 (107), and 353 (108) are required for engineers. Biomechanics 3. Have a question about the program or admissions? Duke requires at least 4 years of high school English, and 3 years each of Math, Science, Social Studies, and a foreign language. You do not have the option of taking PHY 151 (61) and then using AP for PHY 26 (62)--unless the only Physics AP credit you have is for PHY 26 (62). © Copyright 2011-2021 Duke University | Pratt Intranet, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Graduate Communications and Intercultural Programs, Advanced Placement Credits, International Placement Credit, Athletic Participation, Notification of (NOVAP), Dean's List and Dean's List with Distinction, Harassment, Nondiscrimination and Title IX (including Sexual Misconduct), Missing Class, Illness, Short- and Long-Term, Missing Class, Instances of Personal Distress or Emergency, Missing Class, Long Term and Chronic Illness, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading Option (S/U), Transfer Credit: Entering First-Year Students, Adaptive Design Takes Off on Runway of Dreams, Construction Transforms Campus—and Students. For departments grouped together such as AMES, Art, Art History, and Visual Media Studies, or Classical Studies (just to name a few), the depth requirement is satisfied by taking two courses in the same department, i.e., two Chinese courses or two Korean courses, but not by taking a Chinese course and a Korean course. Consult an academic dean for any question on how AP credits count toward the SS/H requirement. Ravi Bellamkonda, the dean of the Pratt School of Engineering since 2016, will depart Duke in June to serve as the provost and executive vice president at Emory Students are expected to have acquired digital-computer programming capability before their sophomore year. In general, it will consist of both required courses and electives to be planned in consultation with the departmental adviser. February 16, 2021. An exception is made for dual degree candidates in programs at Duke University. Failure to comply will result in the inability to enroll for classes. Departmental Requirements (15)The department administering the major field of study will specify this requirement. Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected. Generally, the Duke Master's of Engineering Program requires GRE scores for all applicants. If you have skipped one of those math courses (for example, if you had the equivalent of Math 212 (103) in high school, but were not able to transfer the credit to Duke as college credit) then you will be required to take an upper level math course. Minimum Application Requirements View the admissions profile of our current students . The BSE degree is awarded to students each May, September and December. Resume *. Writing 101 and one more (an English course, a writing course, or AP English (Pratt students) OTHER REQUIREMENTS. Click on the links above, or use the site menu to read more about each of our application requirements. This will NOT count against the two minimum combination allowed in Spring 2021. (Note: An * Indicates this item can be submitted through the online application) 1. For students interested in the Pratt School of Engineering, calculus is required, and physics is strongly recommended. ... Duke has many different opportunities, including study abroad programs, Duke Engage, and Engineering Without Borders to name a few. Admission to the Duke Master of Engineering Management program requires: A bachelor's degree in engineering or science from an accredited institution ( transcripts required, including an estimated GPA and a grade scale )*. Our program draws from Duke's Pratt School of Engineering and Nicholas School of the Environment—so you get the best of our renowned engineering and environmental research community. Ravi Bellamkonda, the dean of the Pratt School of Engineering since 2016, will depart Duke in June to serve as the provost and executive vice president at Emory Earn your PhD from Duke's globally-ranked program—develop research skills through close collaboration with world-renowned biomedical engineers. Art, Art History, and Visual Media Studies (includes ARTHIST, HCVIS, ARTVIS, VMS), Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Turkish, Urdu), Romance Studies (Creole, French, K'iche' Maya, Italian, Portuguese, Quechua, Spanish), Slavic and Eurasian Studies (Balto-Finnic, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian & Croation, Ukrainian, Uzbek). All 5 courses must have at least one code of SS, ALP, CZ, or FL. I did an International Baccalaureate program, so I might have international placement credits. In the fall, the Dean's Office asks each senior to complete a form indicating the expected date of graduation. 316 Teer Engineering Building 919-660-5442 The Manager of the Pratt Student Shop is Steven Earp. View our admission profile below to see the mid-50% range in … Note that for these students, once the Math major path is taken, students must complete this math sequence and are not able to return to the engineering math sequence. All non-citizen students (undergraduate, graduate and professional) must present evidence of immigration status to the Duke Visa Services Office before the first day of classes and whenever, thereafter, their status changes. February 16, 2021. Instead, students submit this information after they have been admitted and are enrolled in the program. Short Answer Essays *. Departmental course requirements may be waived in favor of the WISeNet courses below, on a case-by-case basis, following approval by the DGS and the advisor. Preliminary Examination: Typically taken in the summer after the second year, and must be passed by the end of the third year. To satisify the Physics Requirement, students must take  PHYSICS 151L(61L) & 152L(62L), and at least one physics course must be taken post-matriculation. Non-social science and non-humanities departments (including engineering courses and other depts) assign SS, CZ, or ALP codes for some of their courses. Sign up to receive more information about Duke Engineering graduate programs and recruitment events ». Two courses must be in two of the other Areas of Knowledge of ALP, CZ, or FL. Consult those department websites and/or departmental offices. Does not require a minimum GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA requirement, this. ( 53L ) or equivalent—official results 6 used to fulfill MEng degree requirements % in... To Pratt, before classes start admitted and are enrolled in the fall the... 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duke pratt requirements 2021